Give your brand visibility

Give your brand visibility.
And you, hairdresser, what do you think?

Whether you have just opened your salon or have done so for several years, the growth and development of the  your business will come to fruition through the acquisition of new customers and their retention. 

Making your brand known, giving it visibility and promoting your services are all essential activities for business development.

In recent years, the quality of hairdressing services has grown enormously, just think of the many 'bleaching techniques' currently used, the variety of cuts or how to achieve a 'wavy effect' or a 'perfect smooth'. 

The Hairdresser's Identity

Most salons, even if they offer top-class services, operate in absolute anonymity. 

They are not recognisable, they have no identity, they often hide behind the brand name of the products they use, hoping that the reputation of the supplier and its products will be enough to identify them. 

Of course, the name of a good company helps, reassures and gives the hairdresser some of his 'brand' identity, but without a more effective way of presenting himself and communicating, the hairdresser will not be able to let potential customers know what specific distinctive qualities make him 'unique', nor what 'special' services he can offer.

In the past, it was probably enough to offer a good basic service, use a good product and know how to please customers to make a business healthy and profitable. 

But today this is no longer sufficient.

An example that helps us better understand is the following.

Hairdresser's List Survey

A 2021 survey of a sample of 100,000 salons throughout Italy showed that: 

  • only the 3% offered its customers a Services menu clear and complete highlighting of the brand, the names of the services themselves (emphasising the most inviting and original ones) as well as their summary descriptions accompanied by execution times and prices;
  • the 30% displayed the 'usual' incomplete and uninteresting price list;
  • the remaining 67% had no price list, or he had hung it on the wall in a corner carelessly, and with the same carelessness forgot to update the list of services and prices.

The company that carried out the survey is the same one that works with the restaurant sector, and it is surprising to note that in the restaurant sector the result was quite different: 

  • the 85% of restaurateurs in fact offers a comprehensive and well-maintained service menu; 
  • the remaining 15% a little less
  • finally, restaurants without menus hardly exist. 

You have to realise that the same customer who frequents a good restaurant is the same customer you receive in your salon, so you draw your own conclusions! 

The Hairdresser's Brand

We must act differently, give visibility and quality to your brand!

To be more precise, you are not simply talking about advertising your beauty salon, because  good or bad have always been done, but to turn the exhibition brand into a real 'Brand'.

Following marketing concepts, we clarify the concept of brand and differentiate it from brand.

The brand is a name and a symbol to identify a salon. So it is both the Name and the graphic representation of the company, which is embodied in a Logo.

The Brand is instead a much broader concept: in addition to the Name and the Logo is the set of all elements and the values capable of represent the entire exhibition and the activity of distinguish it from the competition. 

It is therefore a much more complex concept related to subjective rather than objective perception; the brand can convey a good reputation or a negative one. 

In general, the values associated with the brand are as follows:

  • Qualityexcellence or poor
  • Reputation: good or bad
  • Emotion: fondness or disaffection

The Brand is built over time through various methods of consistent and synergetic communication.

We can call it abstract and intangible with respect to the brand because it refers to these values and the effectiveness of the ways in which a company is able to convey them to the public. 

In addition, the Brand represents the salon's history, its enduring reputation, its services and all the elements that make it 'unique' compared to the competition.

The salon must be recognisable, have a strong personality and be able to enhance and publicise its services.

And these elements must be consistent in every area of communication, from the shop window to the website, from the social pages to the hairdresser's apron.

The contribution of employees to brand building

Employees, in fact, can and must also make a big contribution to a brand image positive, in fact one should not forget that voluntarily or involuntarily they communicate in the shop through, sympathy, emotions, professional skills, intuition, style and much more.

Giving visibility to your brandIt means promoting him, making him known, making people talk about him.

Communication to the target group of hairdressers

Identify your target (i.e. the customer segment that will best respond to the image offered) becomes crucial in order to optimise resources, increase the chances of winning and better meet customer expectations. 

Through a storytelling adequate it is possible to consolidate a good brand image in the consumer's imagination. 

Through the web, i social media, the latest technological, videographic and computer tools, one has the possibility, even investing a few resources, to achieve excellent results in promoting and giving visibility to the brand. 

Industry experts all agree that in the coming years, beauty salons will have to invest ideas and energy to break out of anonymity and banality, and make their brands recognisable.


And you, my hairdresser friend, what do you think? 

Have you already planned a strategy in this regard?