Active ingredients of the Scalp Care range

The heart of the range is characterised by two active ingredients with an important revitalising action that are present in all lines:

PHYTO-COMPLEX OF NATURAL ORIGIN which originates from the joint cultivation of ALFA GERMOGLI, with antioxidant properties, and LINSEED GERMOGLI, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances.


  • Promotes cell proliferation.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Anti-inflammatory action.

ENCAPSULATED CELL OIL obtained from the stem cells of wild olive trees by means of an innovative technology.


  • Protects the skin from oxidation.
  • Strengthens, nourishes and revitalises structures.
  • Improves combability, gives softness.
  • Soothing action.

In addition, each individual line is characterised by specific and functional active ingredients to the action of the products in each segment.