Requirements and conditions for Web QL package
Requirements and conditions for Web Quick Learning package
Upon conclusion of the contract, upon payment of the deposit, the customer shall accept the following conditions and provide an ordered list of information:
Legal and contact information
- Company name
- Legal address of the company
- Business address(es) of the company (location of the salon(s)) - also serves for interactive maps
- VAT number
- Company tax code
- Customer Service Telephone Numbers
- Telephone numbers for bookings in the salon (these can also be the same as the Customer Service numbers
- Possible mobile phone contact for bookings and customer service
- Possible WhatsApp contact for bookings and customer support
- Identification of the responsible person and his legal contacts for the purposes of privacy and cookies
Specific Web Information
- domain name chosen for the site (e.g.: nomedelsalone)
- domain suffix chosen for the site (e.g. .com - .it - .net - .org - .biz - .cloud - .info - etc.) - indicate at least two or three if the domain is already occupied
- indicate whether domain mail is required
- web address (URL) of the salon's Facebook page
- web address (URL) of the salon's Instagram profile
- any web addresses (URLs) of YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
- Any web addresses (URLs) of trade associations and portals to which you belong
- IMPORTANT - for each social page, Davide Marras (owner of Quick Learning) and Alessandro Fois (owner of Lycnos) must be enabled as page administrators
Choice of site pages to be built
- Home
- Who we are and what we do
- Services with eventual Price List
- Contact
- Possible detailed description pages for some special services or for each service provided
Resources for the site
- Logo in png format
- Possible exhibition slogan
- General presentation image for Home - JPG of good quality, in landscape and in resolution 1920×1080 px or higher
- Possible video presentation - JPG resolution 1280×720 or higher (better 1920×1080 or higher)
- Other stock images for pages and features, good quality JPG, minimum resolution 1280 px (for longest side)
- Any stock images for the photo gallery, JPG in good quality, also in different formats, minimum resolution 640 px (for the shorter side)
- A description for the About Us
- A Description for What We Do
- A description for each of the special services pages, if any
- Any PDF documents to be viewed and/or downloaded
- Choice of 1 dominant colour + 1 alternative colour (in addition to white, black and various shades of grey)
Resources for the Agenda - if requested
- List of services organised by type, and for each of them: price, duration of application approximated to half an hour (e.g. 1/2 hour, 1 hour, 1 1/2 hours, 2 hours, etc.).
- List of salon operators (name, surname, passport size picture if applicable)
- Booking times for different days of the week
- List of weekly closing days
- List of closing days for fixed and certain days of the year
Resources for eCommerce of products, services and prepaid coupons - if requested
- Indication of the Paypal account used to collect the proceeds (mandatory)
- Indication of bank details for the collection of proceeds (optional)
- Indication of the possible acceptance of the additional option of cash on delivery and its possible costs for the customer
- Indication of VAT rates for products
- indication of shipping costs to be chosen from the following: fixed amount per order - fixed amount per order + additional price for each unit purchased beyond the first - possible additional price for very bulky or exceptionally heavy items
- List of categories and possible subcategories
- List of products, each accompanied by: good quality JPG image, cut to square, minimum resolution 960×960 (preferably 1280×1280) - product title - indication of which category(s) it belongs to - product description - product price - indication of any size or colour or other variables (variable product) and for each variant indicate price and (optional) attach specific image
- Detailed description of the terms of sale (per special page required by law)
Conditions for the fee
- The annual fee for the domain as well as hosting and related services must be paid as an advance payment, together with the first instalment of the fee
- Sponsored social postings will be 12 per year (as far as possible about 1 per month), each for a duration of 1 week - the posts will start to be published at the time of publication of the site, the timing of which depends essentially on the time taken by the salon owner to provide the necessary information (if several months have passed in the meantime without the publication of the sponsored social postings, the missing posts will be made up by distributing them over the remainder of the year),
- Failure to pay an instalment shall result in the temporary blackout of the site and the temporary cessation of the publication of sponsored posts, without prejudice to the contractor's obligation to pay the current annual instalment in full, without any extension of its duration. In this case, upon termination of the default, the site shall become visible again and any missing sponsored posts shall be recovered during the remainder of the contractual year.
- On the other hand, non-payment of the fee including the domain will result in the immediate blocking of the site for 10 days and may lead to its deletion after a further 10 days.